Click it, if'n you have nothing else to do. The color palette attracted my attention, as it did about 1960 ... except, we saw that in black and white, too.
Not Bob's Benjamin Bunny. What have we come to on electronic media?! Oh look a squirrel!
In the Southern California area that test pattern was used by KTLA. How far do you go back, do you remember a hand puppet show: Time For Beany, with Uncle Captain, Cecle the seasick sea serpent and their ship the Leaking Lena .
Time for Beany was an American television series, with puppets for characters, which aired locally in Los Angeles starting in 1949 and nationally (via kinescope) on the improvised Paramount Television Network from 1950 to 1955. It was created by animator Bob Clampett, who later reused its core characters in the animated Beany and Cecil series. The principal characters were Beany, a plucky young boy who wears a beanie; the brave but dimwitted Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent, who claimed to be 300 years old and 35 feet 3 inches tall; Beany's uncle, the pigheaded Captain Horatio Huffenpuff (whose name is a play on Horatio Hornblower), familiarly called Uncle Captain; Dishonest John, whose cape and handlebar mustache clearly identified him as the villain.
Howsomeever, that was in Redding ... not all that far from you and Carson City and Tahoe and ... It wasn't until 1955 that we had a television in Medford, Oregon. The teevee station there was a CBS affiliate and the NBC station didn't show up until the 60's. I was all over NBC's Hoody Doody by then. In fact,
the reception was so poor in Redding that I had no interest in watching teevee. My memory there in my grandmother's house was that the set we watched, looked like this: