Amen to that! Went to the grocery store today, got pork shoulder roasts on sale for $1 a pound, limit 2. We checked out twice and got 4. Bought cereal, oatmeal, strawberries, grapes, grapefruit, some canned vegetables, sugar, milk, butter, onions and potatoes, among other things. All of these required SOOMEBODY to raise it!
Even though we try to raise a lot of our vegetables, we still have to buy food. We have chickens for eggs and the occasional old hen for the stew pot, but we have to buy their feed. A FARMER raised that grain. I just had a glass of milk with lunch. A DAIRY FARMER (or huge comglomerate LOL) milked that cow. Then a whole bunch of middlemen got their grubby hands on it and made $$$.
This country desperately needs more small farmers. Even people like me, who raise a little garden and keep a few chickens. I'm preaching to the choir here, but I am sure ya'll have your stories of friends and family that think you are nuts and they prefer to buy their food at the store. Nice, clean, plastic wrapped or in a can--like Mother Nature intended.