Deeply Rooted
How do you like to use shallots? We planted some for the first time this year, but I'm not even sure what to do with them. I'm excited for the harvest though!I was out prepping a bed for carrots today, @ducks4you . DW put the seed in the furrows - pelleted seed. Those pellets make germination so much more likely!
If we have drifted into garlic sets, why not onion sets. Real simple and harvest green in just a few weeks.
"Seed" potatoes? I think that term "lazy beds" was a put-down of subsistence farmers who worked like crazy to move soil and fertilizer. Still, if you can keep the rodents out of them, potatoes can be grown under old hay.
Back to the allium: I have found shallots from seed or sets to be generally pest free. Like their relatives, they like fertile ground and zero weed competition but it's kinda, plant-&-forget them until harvest. And, I'm a shallot fan.