big brown horse
Garden Ornament

OHHHHH how funny!!! you mean escargot! (or however you spell it!) I like those too but do not eat my garden snails ..not yet any way but I would if we had real snails not just slugskaranleaf said:HiDelight said:awww give escarole another chance! I did not like it years ago and grew to love it it is my favorite green I grow the one that is dark green to a creamy white in the middle it is a lot like a wonderful lettuce with a bite instead of the sharp bitter endive (same thing I guess escarole and endive but I always think of the big leafy green one used in Italian soups that is what I grow)
if you lived closer I could give you some babies I have tons of plants and find the second year (this year) they were even better than the first ..I thought when I left them they would die but they came back stong and full heads ...usually by now they finish but are still growing strong and not a bit of bolting broccoli rabe has bolted however ...I keep cutting it back but it insists on bolting
my husband just informed me we have enough strawberries for dessert tonight
I made an upside down strawberry shortcake to die for ..but am now on a strict diet! wow a few cakes here and there and all of a sudden 10lbs comes out of nowhere ..go figure huh?![]()
The laugh is on me
When you said escarole I thought you were talking of the garlic and butter sauted snails
I never gave the veggie a thought
No it's like the chard I had never tried it yet. And now DH and I both love the chard it will be a regular with us now. I shall give escarole a try , can you grow as a cool weather crop? Like this fall?
Strawberry cake oh myyum
:happy_flower Karan![]()