Garden Ornament
Yes! I can't believe how stuff grows here. I mean, I put it in the ground and forget it, really. I mean, yes, I have to deal with pest control and watering, but for the most part, I don't have issues with the climate that some people have. You sister MUST garden!HiDelight said:my sister lives in Columbia ...she always wants to grow things and now I am going to show her your picture and tell her to get her butt busy on the veggie garden !!!
no excuses!!! that is so freaking pretty!!!! I would make a curry out of all of that if I had it

Getting a side of beef was the best thing we ever did. That meat was SO delicious, it doesn't even compare to anything you can get at the store - even a NICE store. We are going to get another side as soon as they are selling them. There's just nothing like grass-fed beef!HiDelight said:I am off to go pick up a side of beef I accidently bought ...omg I am not sure what on earth I was thinking boss talked me into it!!!
she said it was a tiny steer ..right ..
my friend and I who are sharing it have to bring two vehicles to bring our "tiny steer" we split back from Little Rock and we both had to buy new freezers!

Oh, and we bought a new freezer for it, too... but it was worth it.