This is a small garden. I'm inclined to call it tiny but all that is relative.
Half, he has in boxed beds. He could just stay with the beds and mow the rest, or cover it for a year, or spray it. It is an example for why lawns are great ideas for some folks. His lawn is nice, garden overwhelming.
I guess when spring comes around, even lots of non-gardeners get the bug. All gung-ho at first, then as the weather gets hotter, their interest gets cooler.
I'm 100% with journey's statement. I'm really focused on a prevent defense rather than having to be waging war all season long. As both of us with young families the time to spend pulling weeds just isn't there.
It's put them down and move on to the next project. Even if that project is spending time with my girls. That's part of why my garden is smaller this year than at our previous home. I'm trying to garden more intensely and smarter so I make the best use of my time.
Straw mulch, and more straw mulch for me this year. I figure too if I can plant on the short side of spacing (going with the minimums vs the maximums) I can help prevent weeds too. We'll see.