Garden Master
Bee, I, along side with Senior Veterinary Students, Phd. Veterinary Graduate Students and Full Professors, have necropsied thousands of farm animals at a major University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the vast majority of infectous issues were from small farms and from newby back yard farmers. large professional farms have a Veterinarian on it's staff and if and when an issue is encountered, they bring in several dead and living animals showing symtoms as well as healthy animals for a complete necropsy and bacteriology study and then if an issue warents it ,we whent to the facility with University Veterinarians to address any issue that shows up. We always follow up any outbreak , be it a corporate farm or a hobby farmer untill it is dealt with and solved. Oh yea, the professional operations own and raise the best genetic strains available in their industry. You see, only a fool would try to build their business with inferior stock. Your statement is full of inconsistansies and are very similar by those that are presented as facts that are against any commercial agricultural business venture.What a huge load of propaganda this is!!!Incredible that anyone still believes it...commercial ag gets a huge break out of disease and automatically blames it on the private grower, because their biosecurity measures and the constant drugging of the animals couldn't possibly fail, could it?
I'm wondering just how good all their defenses are if Joe Schmow's little chicken flock down the road or the wild bird population causes them illness?
The fact is, one cannot raise ten thousand birds in an enclosed system with horrible genetics that are designed to only last the bird until the 8 wk old butcher time without contracting disease. They want to blame the home flocks but that dog won't hunt....anyone with half a brain knows you can't raise any creature in that manner without huge disease transmission, be it human or animal. No matter how many vaccines or meds they pour into and on those animals, their immune systems are weak, the husbandry methods are suspect and the whole system has been proven a failure for years upon years but they just keep repeating it because it nets the most profit for them. Disease outbreak in a commercial setup? Government steps in and gives them money to cover their losses, so it's all still profitable, no matter how faulty the methods. one believes it's the home grower any longer.How in the world does the completely closed systems of commercial poultry contract disease from a 4-H chicken, I wonder? Never the twain shall ever meet, so how does that happen? It doesn't. Disease is common where high numbers are kept and raised in a hurry and fast method to insure the most profit. It's all smoke and mirrors to cast blame elsewhere and discourage people from raising their own meat, turning them into slaves of the commercial producer and at their mercy for their food supply.
Most 4-H animals never make it back home...they are auctioned off at the fair and taken off to slaughter, with a bare few donated back to the kid, which promptly takes it off to slaughter.