The omnivore's dilemma


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Reinbeau said:
They have to come up with some high-minded mental gyrations to come back around to homekeeping being a good, legitimate way for women to live.
Er, it's *not*???? :p

(As an option, I mean, not as the only way)

Pat, former professional, now homekeeper and proud of it


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
Digits, good article! I definitely understand the view.

You know I get poked at A LOT about being a homemaker. I grew up wanted to be all BUSINESS. No one in my family thought I would get married. I planned to be a designer, I even went to college and get my degree in Internet Technologies. Including certifications in Photoshop and Adobe. I graduated at the top of my class.

I did minor artwork for website design then I met and married a man who wanted kids, we agreed on 1.... and now she and he are my entire life. My well being, my sanity and my loves. I see clearly why any woman would want this option... we're driven by our hearts and our minds. I think homemaking can please both of those.

Though, I catch a lot of slack from people... especially working moms. They don't get what I do, and they make snide comments about what it would be like to be home all day! I give them 1 year doing what I do before they go back to work and put the kids back in daycare.

Anyways, back to the book...

Simple life, I didn't know there was going to be another book... I am soooo going to read it! Food, Inc I want to watch... hubby and I are going to rent it.

By the way, after last night... my daughter is no longer allowed to eat chicken nuggets at mc d's or from tyson. She can still have a cheese burger or something, but that's it! I have to say though, nothing so simple should have 38 ingredients... and NOTHING should be sprayed with butane to keep color to a processed food. I used butane to light my cigarettes! Now cigarettes don't seem as bad to me as they used to!!!


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I dunno about the "no more than 5 ingredients" thing, personally, although for Modern Technological Foods it is probably a reasonable thing.

But there are many traditional old-timey things with a bajillion ingredients (some of them sometimes rather chemical-y things like baking soda or saltpeter or etc) that I think are perfectly legitimate healthy foods to eat... and do NOT try to take away my curry pastes LOL

I do very much like the "nothing your grandmother wouldn't recognize" idea. Or anyhow, "someone's great-grandmother" :)

Even if I don't agree with everything he says, I find Michael Pollan to be a good writer and very thought-provoking and generally very much on the right track.

Big fan,


simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Weymouth, Massachusetts
Vfem, I stopped letting my kids eat that stuff a couple of years ago too.
For a while I found some decent ones at Whole Foods but ended up giving them up all together to make my own.
I now raise meatbirds to provide chicken for my family.
I haven't bought any at the store since last year.
I make chicken tenders out of my own meat that the kids actually prefer over any of the premade ones.
Now the older kids even like them so I make large batches of them and fill ice cream sundae glasses with dipping sauces.
There are a ton of healthy recipes for tenders online.

I have never really understood the animosity some people show towards women that want to stay home and care for their families but I have run into it for years.
I love when people say to me do you work or do you stay home with the kids?
I know you have kids but do you also work?
Everyone puts a different spin on it but it all means the same thing, if you stay home with your kids you aren't really working or working as hard as them.
The truth is I probably work alot harder than they do since they drop their kids off at daycare at 7:00 am and pick them up at 6:00 pm, they feed and bathe them and put them to bed.
I am not saying this is everybody but it is for many including my own sister for a few years until she couldn't handle that her kids were growing up without her around.
The women I know that would say this stuff to me, grant they worked but they worked in an office, had their morning break, their lunch hour and their afternoon break.
To say that what I do isn't work is insulting.
I use to wonder if they were jealous and that is where the snide remarks came from or if they truly just felt disdain for me for choosing to stay home.
I never felt like I was not a part of the outside world since I have always had my church and the outreach programs I volunteered for in my free time.
I am a proud homemaker, I can't picture myself doing anything elser and have no desire to give it up.
I like to challenge myself to learn new things and evolve, beekeeping, raising chickens, gardening etc.

I get huge satisfaction in taking care of my family, I love to grow and cook our own food, this morning I collected eggs, from the hens,milked the goat, made a nice big pot of chicken soup from a chicken that I raised.
Today was rainy and the kids were hanging around the house so I showed them how we make the keifer, they love those shakes, then we put on another batch of kombucha and sprouted some more seeds.
I know, I know, we live a very exciting life.:lol:

I think this is an enjoyable lifestyle and I do feel appreciated by my family so maybe that makes a difference but I never feel trapped or resentful. Its a lifestyle I chose.
I think more and more people are going to be forced to learn some of the skills that many of us here enjoy or put in to practice long before there was a need for it.
The economy is going to force people to take stock, I think more people are going to appreciate what homemakers actually do.

I have never been thrilled with the term homemaker, I don't know why it just sounds kind of... I don't know.. boring? I really don't know, it just seems like there could be a better more exciting name lol: I tried to think of one but couldn't come up with anything better either. I guess because homemaker fits what we do but still....

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