momma may be furious if anyone tries to mess with her babies! i would be too! i'd just watch for any behaviors that look like momma can't handle. most times momma will just sound off and all chicks will run to her and hide under her legs for protection. if you see any older chicks trying to thrash a young one this is a cause for concern.
i let my momma and her 3 little chicklets out in the run for a bit today! i watched for a little bit to be sure the other hens would be good with them and i only saw that a few of the roos were just not paying attention to where they decided to trot through. my good boys Mosey and Zeus (both bantam Faverolles) we good at watching the chicks and keeping an eye out for momma too. both have been experienced dads and good with the chicks i've raised in the coop before. the peahens were trying to stalk the chicks when momma wasn't keeping them very close. so i had to keep the peas away while momma taught the chicks to forage in the yard.
that will be quite a day when these babies go for their first outing. i'll plan on being there indefinitely. so far I've seen two babies. I got a couple of pics i'm going to post today.