Chillin' In The Garden
So I went out in the garden this morning and I found two mushrooms sprouted right beside my hot pepper plant. I watered the plants on Thursday morning and then Friday and Saturday we got a decent amount of rain (I watered kind of heavily as I didn't believe the weatherman) and am expecting some more rain maybe in the next few days. I water on Mondays and Thursdays and tend to do so heavily as we have had outrageous heat here with nighttime temps staying above 85 and daytime temps in the mid 90s or higher with a heat index (tons of humidity here) over 100 daily. By Thursday typically the soil underneath my mulch felt dry enough for another watering, but I guess with the rain (Friday's rain was a lot) it was too much.
Is there anything I can do or if I move the mulch will I see a bunch of fungus (afraid to do so)? I've never had the problem of over-watering before (always the opposite
) and I would love to save the plant. Didn't see any other mushrooms or any of the other plants looking problematic, but the garden is on a small slope in the yard and the pepper plant is at the end where it probably gets the most run-off. Some of the leaves fall off to the touch and some of the new pepper buds/flowers have turned brown. 
Is there anything I can do or if I move the mulch will I see a bunch of fungus (afraid to do so)? I've never had the problem of over-watering before (always the opposite