Attractive To Bees
I just realized that I'm known by baustin over at BYC. I like this website for gardening info. I have a garden, even in the desert. Besides my love of roses and bearded iris I have all kinds of plants that are drought tolerant and grow in this region. We get cold winters, below freezing and hot, hot dry summers. Our humidity gets as low as 5% sometimes and the hottest it's been here since moving here four years ago is 117F. We're only about 130 miles from Death Valley. We put in a veggie garden and it does well. We're already eating small red potatoes and peas and we have onions, pole beans and three kinds of squash and cukes and cantaloupe.
My tomatoes are grown in a raised bed that I can protect from the wind and late frosts.
My tomatoes are grown in a raised bed that I can protect from the wind and late frosts.