It's 107 here today but the humidity is leaving. We had rain for several days which we don't usually get in the high desert in July. It gets up to 116-119 sometimes. My garden is on the dry side even with irrigation but that sun burns. I'm picking cucmbers, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes and onions. The tomatoes finished but after the rain they're setting fruit again. Whether they get big or not is another matter.
Came here from BYC-we live in the mountains of NC-close to TN & VA-
We have 6 red stars hens-3months old, 3 black stars, 3 buff orphingtons, 4 EE hens (well 1 is suspicously roo looking)-2months old and 1 RIR roo 1yr old who may or may not be staying- 4 raised beds new this year!
1 DH-4 kids 1 son 21, 1 son 20, 1 daughter 8 and 1 son 6- 2 old blue heeler girls and 1 toy rattie girl 2 yo