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- #21
Deeply Rooted
Did he say what could have happened?
I was curious and did a quick search. You may be right about the wetness, as they are supposed to have good drainage and mine are not far from a drain tile. Here are some causes that I found:
- planted too deeply
- poor drainage
- not enough water in the summer [last summer/fall was unusually dry]
- over fertilization
- too much sun, unless it is a variety that tolerates direct sun.
I hope you have success with future rhodies! They are so pretty when they bloom.
Thank youWowzers! Those are beautiful!
Yeah, my house came with the rhodies too. The photo of the one in the backyard, past Sierra (gorgeous girl!!), makes me wonder what is happening on the other side of the fence. Is it suddenly in more sun than it was before, or is it receiving water from the property behind you? (just thinking out loud, so to speak)
The ones up by your house are near drain tiles just like mine.
It certainly is a mystery.

No nothing has changed and I don’t believe it’s receiving water from the neighbor although great observation.. there is this tree that hangs over from one neighbor that’s loaded with these red berries.. but it really hasn’t mattered over the years.. I think it just got old
I have another pup now too Lexi another cream So double trouble lol