Today is Our Anniversary

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Happy Anniversary, Baymule. I agree with Carol, you got one of the (few) keepers. To me 18 years isn't all that long, but the first ones always seemed the most difficult, so ya'll have a great start. In today's world you have to count yourself lucky to find someone that will go the distance. Lucky, yes, but there is a lot of work that goes into what you now have.

Today is a bitty anniversary for us as well. It was on Valentine's Day when DH first asked me if I would go on a date with him. Until then I had assumed that he was married like most of the other factory workers around me.

Almost sounds like we married brothers. He was married before. Bad experience! Lived with his mother for the next 12 years. One of our early 'dates' was to his sister's wedding where we both wore black and made jokes about weddings, married life, and unfaithful people we had known. I gave him fair warning that I would never marry a Shufelt, but happily he did.

We were married two years to the day after our first date. I find the day easy to remember -- he's lucky if he remembers the month. After spending decades convincing him he was a perfect husband, he grew into one. In five days we will have been married 43 years and the guy still curls my toes.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
@Nyboy , if you like my humor, then read this.
My DH was born in north Alabama and raised there. He was brought up very poor, he still remembers moving into town into a house with electricity and running water. He remembers the whipping his father gave him for flipping the light switch on-off-on-off-on-off in amazement. :lol: He came to Texas for work at a young age and came to our little town in 1980. He liked it here and decided to stay. I moved here in 1985 and we met in 1992. Yeah, @seedcorn he was a city guy. He went from thinking I was from another planet to thinking I'm a Purdy smart 'ol gal! ;)

My daughter raised a pig for 4-H, we rented a tin-roofed shotgun shack on 3 acres outside of town. My husband and I had opened a furniture store and we had to go to market to pick out new furniture for the store. We left the kids with my mom to take care of. We got back home after midnight and had to open up the next morning, we were tired. At 4 AM, DH elbowed me and said, "Hear that?" The dogs were under the house barking their fool heads off, I HAD been sleeping blissfully through the racket, Yeah, it's the dogs," I mumbled, wanting to go back to sleep. "No-THAT" DH insisted. I listened to the unmistakable grunts of our daughter's show pig. Crap.

I got out of bed, naked, and walked out on the back porch. DH came behind me, also naked. The pig came out from under the house, with the attending barking dogs. Behind our house was hundreds, if not thousands of acres of woods and wilderness. All I could think of was that pig disappearing forever and a little girl's broken heart. What's a momma to do? I bailed off the porch and tackled the pig, who immediately started squealing at about 1789 decibels. I looked up at DH, still on the porch and said "WELL? Are you going to help me or just stand there?"

DH probably wanted very much to just stand there, but to his credit, he bailed off the porch and grabbed the back end of the pig. The neighbors down the road were having an all night pool party and he was extremely worried about all the noise the pig was making. What if they neighbors came up the road to investigate the screaming pig sounds and found us both in the yard, naked with a pig? Across the yard we went, me holding the front end, him holding the back end of a kicking, struggling, screaming pig. All the way, DH kept worrying about the neighbors, telling the pig to shut up as if that was going to do any good.

Almost to the shed, the pig raised it's little curly tail and pooped. Drippy, runny, smelly poop. It hit DH in his chest and ran downward. DH's screaming curses rivaled the pig's screams for intensity and loudness. I struggled to keep my grip on the pig and not drop it for laughing so hard. "What about the neighbors? They're gonna hear you!" %^%^&( # THE NEIGHBORS! I've got PIG S$^*@ ALL OVER ME! His curse words were peeling bark off the trees. As we walked into the shed, my toes found a wire cage and down I went in the mud and pig poop. I lost my grip on the pig, DH was grappling with the poopy pig butt and the pig was tap dancing all over my naked body with his front feet. The pig was still squealing, DH was cursing and I was laughing. I got up, grabbed my end of the pig and we popped him in the pen. The gate had come unlatched.

Inbetween curses, Dh was letting me know how stupid I was for tripping over the wire cage, why didn't I see it (it was dark?) how could I fall over it, he was trying to get the pig off me and so on. In the midst of this condemning litany, he tripped over the cage and down in the oozing mud and pig poop he went. By this time, he was beyond livid. We were both covered in pig poop, mud and standing naked in the yard at 4 in the morning. We ran for the house. We took baths, scrubbing with gasoline and wire brushes to get the "ick" off. No, not really gasoline and a wire brush, but we felt like it. He continued cursing at the top of his lungs and I busted out laughing. "What's so *^#$@$^+ funny??" I told him to think about what we must've looked like.....his mouth sorta twitched, then he started to laugh and we both sat on the couch laughing like hyenas.

This was his introduction to marriage to me. He has had many more adventures that were way, way out of his comfort zone, but he continues to hang around for whatever comes next.
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Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
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Okay, that tops the story of how I met my husband :D You guys should write a book!

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
O.M.G I hurt from laughing too hard.
He is AMAZING to stay around after that!
True Love.

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