Today is the day. . .

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
A chicken update:

The fourth egg didn't hatch. Momma left it and is off the nest with her three babies taking up residence in the nest I made yesterday on the floor in the farthest corner. It is right beside the freezer basket with chick food and drink..There are signs that the little ones have found my chick caging and have been eating and drinking.

I am getting a big bag of starter today for all the poultry. I did't consider how quickly those fuzzy-babies would start jumping and winging their way into the adults' feeder. I've always had calcium available so that is no problem.

I am glad that Hilda know what to do. So far she has kept her babies close and inside. With our below normal temperatures she's doing good. I have closed the window to keep the coop more draft free during the day. Most of the time all the other chickens are out and about the property so Hilda pretty much has the coop to herself - and her babies - for now. Tonight after school, Maverick and Gypsy will be here for the first time since the chicks hatched. Maverick was the one who 'pushed' for me to let Hilda brood. Gypsy is making a list of chick names for us to consider tonight. We are all excited!

Now, if they all could be pullets?

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
thistlebloom said:
Stubbornhillfarm said:
Congratulations! I think a momma hen with her chicks is about the best thing ever to watch. It is so fun to watch the chicks run around under all the big chicks and they instinctually know which set of chicken feet belong to their momma! :weee
This is off topic ( sorry! ) but Stubborns comment reminded me of when son #2 was just a little squirt and he was standing in the grocery checkout with me. He sidled up to the lady in line behind me and put his arm around her leg with his thumb stuck in his mouth, then looked up and realized with horror that she wasn't his mom! :lol:
How funny! I bet the lady was kind of surprised, too!:lol:

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