Garden Addicted
I literally have 100's and 100's of green tomatoes everywhere. I walked through today thinking maybe there is a ripe 1 or 2 I am missing because they've all had fruit on them for soooooooooooooo long now. NOPE! Not even 1!
Now I understand I have 12 Roma tomatoes and they'll all ripen about the same time and not set anymore fruit, but the rest are not the same (determent, not determent). My lemon boy were the first to set fruit, and they are HUGE and nothing is even looking close to ripening. I'm getting fidgety. I did notice the size of the fruits are amazing this year, and even with all the rain no cracking. So I am more excited then words can say. As there are 40 tomato plants, I know eventually I'll get to pick something... but I was hoping for a couple for a sandwich by now. UGH!
Now I understand I have 12 Roma tomatoes and they'll all ripen about the same time and not set anymore fruit, but the rest are not the same (determent, not determent). My lemon boy were the first to set fruit, and they are HUGE and nothing is even looking close to ripening. I'm getting fidgety. I did notice the size of the fruits are amazing this year, and even with all the rain no cracking. So I am more excited then words can say. As there are 40 tomato plants, I know eventually I'll get to pick something... but I was hoping for a couple for a sandwich by now. UGH!