Garden Master
I think that I will be making tomato soup from frozen cherry tomatoes this Winter.
Cherries have a higher skin to pulp ratio than larger tomatoes. Shucks, do chefs and horticulturalists have to be mathematicians too? I suppose so.
Larger tomatoes just don't need to be peeled before going into a blender or food processor for soup or pasta sauce IMO. Just give the machine an extra minute or two.
It's different with cherry tomatoes and We Are Having a Bountiful Year with Cherries! They are a bother to peel. Freezing makes it easier? Let's go with that
Cherries have a higher skin to pulp ratio than larger tomatoes. Shucks, do chefs and horticulturalists have to be mathematicians too? I suppose so.
Larger tomatoes just don't need to be peeled before going into a blender or food processor for soup or pasta sauce IMO. Just give the machine an extra minute or two.
It's different with cherry tomatoes and We Are Having a Bountiful Year with Cherries! They are a bother to peel. Freezing makes it easier? Let's go with that