Garden Master
My favorite tomato - the only one I grow every year - is "Elfin". It is an OP grape tomato, with a determinate growth, heavily branched, with HUGE terminal flower clusters. Not much foliage, the massive number of green tomatoes may double as leaves. The flavor is not that sweet, but very meaty, like a mini Roma.

"Elfin". The photo on the right is a single terminal cluster. Unsupported, these clusters will settle densely layer upon layer.
The tomatoes store incredibly well; kept in a dry location (and picked over occasionally) they will just shrivel slowly. These are, by far, my longest-lasting storage tomato. The photo was taken yesterday, more than 2 months after harvest.

"Elfin". The photo on the right is a single terminal cluster. Unsupported, these clusters will settle densely layer upon layer.
The tomatoes store incredibly well; kept in a dry location (and picked over occasionally) they will just shrivel slowly. These are, by far, my longest-lasting storage tomato. The photo was taken yesterday, more than 2 months after harvest.