Totally shocked

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits, do you suppose the indigestion problems are a residual effect from medications used for the surgery? Antibiotics causing beneficial gut bacteria die-off? This might be a good time to get some of those pro-biotic capsules to help him restore the good gut flora.
It's amazing how out of sync the body can get when one thing is changed, let alone having major surgery!

DH told me yesterday that he had gone to a walk-in clinic a couple years ago for something else and mentioned this problem and was told he needed to be scoped and he decided not to tell me that and did not want it done. His PET scan showed his esophagus inflamed. No cancer, but really swollen and the medications are making it even worse, but there is an opening that is going to need to be widened. He has an appointment tomorrow and see if they can order a STAT scoping procedure to see what needs to be done. He needs to sleep and eat to go through radiation and chemo and to swallow any kind of natural treatments. He is on probiotics. You take one prescription pill and then you have to take a pill for that pill and literally, you will take another pill for that one. He smoked and he is paying for it and just working and thinking this or that symptom will go away and being tough and strong, but also the type of cancer he has is the one that is most common for nonsmokers to get.


Garden Ornament
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
I had an entire lobe of my lung removed in December. The doctors found a mysterious spot that kept growing. It wasn't cancer but, I went through 3 rounds of radiation trying to kill/shrink it. It didn't work and I had to have a VATS procedure done. If the chemo and radiation don't help it may be an option for y'all.
I kept my diet really healthy during everything. Mostly fruits and vegetables and when I felt like eating meat it was lean. Raw milk stayed down better than anything else dairy wise.
I wish I could offer more information. I've added you and yours to my prayer list.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
So the doctors think the inflammation is from smoking?

No, they think from acid reflux. They think the lung cancer is from smoking. They gave him omeprazole and then doubled the dose and really he does seem a lot better. He has not seen the gastroenterologist yet. He still has pain, but he has calmed down with some stronger pain medicine and the omeprazole.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I had an entire lobe of my lung removed in December. The doctors found a mysterious spot that kept growing. It wasn't cancer but, I went through 3 rounds of radiation trying to kill/shrink it. It didn't work and I had to have a VATS procedure done. If the chemo and radiation don't help it may be an option for y'all.
I kept my diet really healthy during everything. Mostly fruits and vegetables and when I felt like eating meat it was lean. Raw milk stayed down better than anything else dairy wise.
I wish I could offer more information. I've added you and yours to my prayer list.

I hope you stay well. He is drinking raw milk, but we need to cut the amount of meat we eat way back. They say his tumor they took out of his head was from lung primary.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
So now it has been 20 months since i posted all that. We tried all kinds of natural things and nothing worked. He has had different chemo, different radiation to his brain, even had radiation to his back, and he had immunotherapy and lately had gamma knife radiation again to a brain lesion, but yesterday and today we went to see results of CT scan of chest/abdomen/pelvis and his MRI of brain. MRI showed nothing new, but 2 lesions growing, but they had been treated, one a year ago and one in Nov. The doctors were confused, so they ordered a PET scan and nothing lit up and they said no cancer in his brain. I guess scar tissue forming on the lesions. He is on steroids for a month now to help with swelling. Well, he has not had any chemo or treatment for lung cancer since Oct. so we worried it was going to be bad, but very tiny enlargement of lung mass and nothing else new. He will start a new targeted therapy next week. I looked back on CT scans and the mass in his lung when I made this post and it was larger than 9 cm and there were 2 masses at one time and now it is only 3 cm x 2 cm or so. He is tired, thin and talks goofy sometimes but I think his brain is healing all of a sudden from all the radiation. I think the mass in his lung has been there 2 years at least before he was diagnosed. His blood work went back to normal now that he is away from chemo and now his sodium and potassium are better than it has been ever and only thing different is that fermented cabbage and kombucha tea. I don't know, but his birthday is in a couple weeks. I looked at his drivers license picture and he looked awful Feb. 2015, 3 months before he was diagnosed and 2 years later he is thin, tired, but really not in danger like before. He is in more of a chronic condition and he has a targeted therapy treatment that works well with what he has and he has another new medication he can use with a different targeted gene therapy if this treatment does not work.

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