Garden Addicted
So....my summer garden here in zone 7B...has been a complete flop. Failure. We planted 5 rows of white potatoes, 2 rows of green beans, 1 row of beets, 6 or 7 pumpkin plants, cucumbers, peas, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, 6 rows of corn. And one little round garden of strawberries. Now granted, this whole property with garden is all an experiment. We just don't know what grows where on the property. It has several different micro environments, several different sun exposures, different soils...clay and acidic soils. So, we just stick things here and there.
It rained, and rained ...and rained....for like 6 weeks this summer. Our potatoes.... we dug up maybe 1 pound. The corn did much of nothing. The cucumbers died. The sweet potatoes are still in the ground, but they never thrived. Grew to a certain point..and then nothing. We still have the tomato patch...but they are quickly dieing off.
So now it is time to plan the fall gardens. What is everyone else going to plant?
It rained, and rained ...and rained....for like 6 weeks this summer. Our potatoes.... we dug up maybe 1 pound. The corn did much of nothing. The cucumbers died. The sweet potatoes are still in the ground, but they never thrived. Grew to a certain point..and then nothing. We still have the tomato patch...but they are quickly dieing off.
So now it is time to plan the fall gardens. What is everyone else going to plant?