Trees and Soil Update HELP!!!!!!!


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Pat the ones that are doing well in pots where also bare rooted. Because of a new driveway going in they couldn't get planted in the ground. This is at a 2nd home ,all water is from rain, thats why I said they all get the same amount. Across the road is a apple farm. I assumed I could grow fruit trees. 4 are apple 3 cherry 1 pear 2plum.


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Ohhhhhh. Gee, I wish I'd known they were bareroot when you started this thread. My take on planting bareroot fruit trees is that if they are absolutely first-rate quality *and* were picked up personally within a few days of being dug, as opposed to mail-ordered, then it is ok to plant them directly into the ground... but (I don't know your situation of course) if they are somewhat more average specimens and/or have been out of the ground longer or thru the postal service, personally I think there's a lot to be said for potting them up for a year (pot sunk in ground, in good well-drained garden soil).

I still wonder about your soil though. Across the street isn't necessarily the same as YOUR property... drainage can be greatly different just 50 feet away on the *same* property. And if your heavy clay should perchance to also be *damp*, then that is just not really fruit-tree growing conditions. And apples are somewhat more tolerant of soggy soils than some other fruits.

I guess, putting all the bits of information together, if the potted-up ones are ABOVEGROUND (rather than pots sunk up to rims in soil) then I would strongly suspect the problem is at least in large part poor drainage. If so, this is probably a permanent problem (even tho this IS a wet year, there will be wet years on a fairly regular basis in the future, and you may need to find elsewhere to plant fruit trees). It is also possible that barerootness may be a contributor too, especially if these were not going to have gotten absolutely an A+ for quality and minimal-stress-in-transit.

Not sure what to say about what to DO with the trees you've got, other than think long and hard about where to plant the three potted ones and I suppose just see if you can coddle the in-ground ones along by some chance.

Good luck, have fun,


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