uh oh....ginormous potato sprouts!! What to do?


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
If it makes you feel any better, I have some potato seeds ready to go out. They'll be going in buckets rather then in the garden... and they way they are looking, I'll have them out in about 2 weeks at most. Last year I planted at the end of Feb and they did fine.

You can always count on your potatoes to come through! ;)
Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
Great! I'm more optimistic now that my potatoes will make it in bucket/can now.

I've still got to fence off a section of my raised-bed garden to utilize it before spring. When all that went down last year, my surprise pregnancy and resulting abandonment of all thing vegetables, my garden was a mess; weedy, overgrown jungle mess. Then my husband had a brainstorm. He moved a couple of beds to the side, rolled our Henspa chicken tractor into the fenced area, cleaned out anything bad for the chickens, threw a net over the whole thing and let 'em have it! They love their new spacious digs and have cleaned up my beds pristinely. Not a weed in sight and some great fertilization going on :D.

So until we get our barn built and adjoining chicken coop off of it (dang you, economy), I have to share with the hens. Having to really pare my vegetable selections down as a result of my now limited beds (down to four of my original nine). Wonder if I could do my strawberry tower in a bed within their enclosure and put chicken wire around it...hmmm. They're so wiley about food, I don't know if that would be smart though.