uh oh, i'm gonna be in trouble!


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
Broodiness and parenting is a trait that can be selected for just like size, or color or any other aspect in your line of birds. When I was breeding canaries, we had some mothers who were utterly horrible parents. We used to foster out the eggs to another parent who would sit and feed chicks, but we realized we were only reinforcing the unwanted behavior. So any hen that didn't sit and hatch her eggs, or feed her chicks, we got rid of. Within a few generations we had hens who were EXCELLENT mothers.

The problem is now adays with chickens people want eggs. They've bred the broodiness out of them so we can get them to lay more often. Look at how many articles there are on how to break a broody, or how many people want sex linkeds so they crank out eggs. How many times to we hear about people fostering out eggs to broody hens? How many people keep silkies because they are broody? How many silkie people let their silkie hens hatch her own eggs? By doing that your selecting for broodiness. I'm not saying get rid of your non-broody birds, but if you've got a broody hen, hatch HER eggs. She'll pass that trait along in various amounts, and use roos from hens that are broody. That way he'll pass along that trait too. By selecting for that trait on both sides your increasing your odds of getting broodiness in your lines.

Im glad to hear you've had success with your broody hen! Id love to see some pics and I promise not to say anything to your DH about these little ones!!! ;)


Deeply Rooted
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester NH
I have 4 broody silkies 2 are on eggs the others are just keeping them company... I had my other 2 girls hatch out 3 weeks ago...only one has servived...out of 7 girls not one is laying at this time...my 7th girl is a dud she is 3 years old and has laid 3 eggs total...and they had leathery shells...I have always let my girls hatch when ever they want...I give them away when they get big enough to be sexed...


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
well, there are 2 chicks under the broody now! the sweet little black cochin (possible mix), and a LF faverolles. i'm hoping both are pullets since the wings on both are feathering out quicker than i expect! i'll try and get pics but my camera is at the other house and the batteries are probably needing a recharge. my cell takes lousy pics. :/ momma is still trying to sit on the 4 other eggs that haven't hatched. and she will continue till i take them away. that is how dedicated a broody she is! :lol:

i chose my favs and cochins because they had broody tendencies. they are also very sweet and get along with most gentle breeds. right now there is no defined leader of the pecking order but there seems to be a few on the lower end-mostly the young cockerels trying to find their spots. i have a mixed flock of LF and bantams and they all seem to get along nicely.

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