Not a chance Seed, the new normal for commercial beef carcass is up to 9-14 days hanging in the cooler at 34* before packaging depending on demands at the facility. Used to be up to 16 days in the cooler. These would benefit to 21 days. At a taste and tenderness test at UCD using residents of the town as testers ( my family included ) the winners were cattle that were grain+ alfalfa fed in a feed lot for 120 days and hung in a cooler for 19 days. When one butchers their own chickens at home, after rigor passes , the chicken will greatly benefit for resting in your refrigerator for at least 3 days before freezing or an invite to a BBQ. .@bobm now those muscles will be tender after they come out of rigor as they have never been used.....
They will be so cute with some kind of French sauce...
GOD, NYB. You need someone to rein you in...Thank God I have a husband who occasionally says no to my every whim. Though I have been wanting to raise grass fed beeffalo........... $800 for 2 seems like a deal