Uses for jam other than on toast?


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
chicken stalker said:
The peach orange would probably make a good meat glaze. Melt it and pour it over cooked pork or add it to some BBQ sauce. Others would be good over ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese cake, smoothies. You can mix a 1/2 cup into brownie mix. Also makes nice gifts to nursing home patients as long as they are not diabetics...
I cook chicken breasts with orange marmelade spooned over the top, then covered with aluminum foil.


Deeply Rooted
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Massachusetts, zone 7a
:drool All these ideas in 24 hours! My word!

Like the yogurt-pops idea, I will give it a go--I have a carton of plain yogurt and a plastic popsicle mold. Just gotta find the sticks, they tend to get lost. DH is sorta-kinda lactose intolerant, so frozen yogurt is fine, but ice cream not so much.

Think I have some frozen chicken that could do with a peach-orange glaze--maybe with some chopped tarragon & garlic mixed in?

Cheesecake! Oh my, last time I made cheesecake I had to freeze half of it and hide it behind the kielbasa or it would have been gone in two days. That is a good idea, I will put in an order for cream to make cream cheese. I have chocolate wafer-type cookies for a crust.

Simple life, tell me more about this baked french toast you speak of. Do I fry the french toast and then layer it in the casserole dish, or do I dip the bread in the egg/milk stuff, layer jelly & cream cheese in the casserole, then bake? Bake for how long, what temp?

Hah. I gave away a bunch of jars for Xmas gifts. Due to work schedules, etc. DH and I ended up taking our holiday gifts down early, before Thanksgiving even. Come the end of December, relatives brought us gifts or mailed them to us...and since they knew how much we like food gifts (we really do, I like gifts I can use up that don't collect dust), they sent MORE JAM! At least I got some different flavors, quince, pear, hot pepper.

Kc, that is a lovely thought, but I suspect my neighbors will think I am trying to poison them. I am the neighborhood crazy lady. :p


Garden Ornament
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Lillooet, BC Canada -4b to 6b
yes i would like the oven french toast recipe as well. I already have several but none with jam and cream cheese. :drool

Mine you put bread and other ingredients in the pan pour over the egg/milk/etc mixture and sit in fridge overnight. The next morning pop it in the oven for a wonderful breakfast. I have several recipes if people are interested. Such as sticky bun french toast or praling french toast. both are :drool :drool

I have several more that I haven't tried yet. Peach french toast, cocoanut ft, and ft casserole.

simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Weymouth, Massachusetts
I have made the french toast both ways where you pour the ingredients over it and bake and also cooking it up first and then layering it.

I actually like to cook mine a little first using the the traditional egg/milk/vanilla/sugar/ cinnamon batter fried in a pan and then I layer it in a greased pan with cream cheese and jam.
You can do it without cooking it first too but its a little more soggy or you have to cook it longer.

There is a nice thick bread you can buy at the market just for french toast and it works great with this.

You soften the cream cheese until you can kind of spread it a little on each slice as you layer it and then do the same with the jam.
You bake it at 325 although I have done it at 350 as well when I am in a hurry and then part way through drizzle maple syrup on it if you please.
Rosalind I know you have maple syrup.:lol:
I really just bake it until its at the texture I like, heated through and melty.
I have added bananas to this and also just done the bananas on their own with the cream cheese, extra cinnamon sprinkled throughout and some walnuts.
Another thing I do sometimes is when I make the batter I add almond extract to it rather than the vanilla if works better with a particular fruit I am using.

Sometimes I sprinkle confectioner's sugar on top or some whip cream.
Darn, now I want this right mow. I'll have to make this tomorrow myself.

There are many variations you can try with this depending what you have on hand.
Sorry the recipe is so informal but its all from years of doing it without ever writing it all down but I am sure there are tons of recipes online.]
Its so easy though you could follow this and fool around with whatever you have on hand and it will work out fine.