Oddly, I never thought to take more than a few photos until the last two years. Prior to that, I just took written field notes, for accessions with stand-out characteristics (to be requested when seed became available). Photos would be especially useful to document some of their lesser-known heirlooms. SSE staff would probably allow me to open a dry pod to photograph some of their dry beans, limas, and cowpeas, if I explained what I was doing. Wouldn't want them to think I was seed snatching.Pix would be great as you walk around...
Because all of the plants were loaded like that, the thick stem seems to indicate thick flesh, and most of the peppers were fully ripe on Labor Day. Which of course says absolutely nothing about the flavor or culinary qualities, which I'm not allowed to test in situ... but for new trials, it helps to start with a variety that is already known to be productive, and have a short DTM. At least I know that I'll get something if I grow it... and if I like it, I save the seed. Many other peppers I observed at the same time were only starting to ripen. I currently grow quite a few peppers that were first observed in previous evaluations.Why that one?