Garden Master
I see them on our area craigslist all the time also. Speaking of craigslist ... is this really big enough for 6-8 hens?...
Coop is 5' by 3.75'... pen 7' by 4'
Not even. I wouldn't even put two hens in that space and only as temporary's just too, too small, has too little light and air in the coop, the floor is made of material that will start to fall apart when it gets damp from manure and is not easily cleaned, the roosts~as has been mentioned~are too slender for comfortable perching, the run is way too small even if a person moves it daily which they would have to do to keep the birds on clean, healthy soil.
These people who advertise these dollhouse coops as big enough for 6-8 birds have obviously never had chickens or they don't care if other people's chickens die as long as they can sucker them for big money. Makes me angry to see them doing that.