WARNING!!!!! My lady friends


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
So Sorry!!! :hugs :hugs :hugs
My skin burns when I use many "hypo allergenic" skin creams!!!

Over the years, I have gone to making my own personal care products, due to all the toxic chemicals in most products. Some of the worst chemicals include parabens, sodium laurel sulfate & Triclosan (antibacterial). I use coconut oil a lot, for its antimicrobial & healing qualities, as well as Tea Tree Oil.

My bathroom medicine cabinet has homemade spray-on deodorant, tooth soap & antibacterial ointment. I use Castille or coconut oil shampoo, & occasionally use baking soda/followed with Braggs' Apple cider vinegar, to get rid of buildup from the Castille soap.

Bug/mosquito spray is another product I make, using Organic witch hazel & essential oils.

I also make my own all purpose cleaner in a one gallon vinegar jug. That is great for cleaning the bathrooms, kitchen & even washing Windows.
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Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@Devonviolet that is really scary. I only seem to be sensitive to fragrances and begin to itch and have sinus and breathing issues if in prolong contact or STRONG dose. Scented hand sanitizers make me a cranky bus driver! I can not seem to get it across to some of the kids NOT to bring it on the bus and pass it around! SO I often drive with my window wide open and a winter coat. Let the darlings freeze. Maybe they will finally get the message. HA!
Can you share the recipe for your cleaner, please.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
Fortunately I don't have any sensitivities to things. But I can't stand to go down the cleaning aisle at the grocery store. I can barely breathe in there.



Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
OMG @Devonviolet sending you big :hugs, allergy season is in full swing here too, cough, cough, cough, that's all I do, tree pollen is doing me in at the moment BUT it's a drop in bucket compared to what you and others have to deal with.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
it is extremely difficult to get scent-free and dye-free (where appropriate) laundry detergent, dish-washing detergent, shampoo, or soap but I try.

That's why I make my own detergent. The FelsNaptha bars smell lightly while I'm making the soap but after the laundry comes out of the washer and dryer, they don't smell like the FN at all....they just smell like cloth. My DIL says she doesn't like that smell...you know...the simple smell of cotton cloth? Repugnant! :rolleyes:

The homemade detergent also leaves clothes soft, so no need for fabric softeners at all, nor even a need to tumble clothes that have been line dried...they don't dry stiff! Before I found that out I was using those blue laundry balls in the dryer to soften up the clothes while drying...now they are no longer needed. Been using the homemade laundry detergent for 10 yrs now and still love it...can't imagine ever going back to store bought.

That AXE cologne? I always tease my boys~who at various times smell like they've been steeped in it all night~and call it that Hatchet Stuff or, when I'm really annoyed by that smell, I'll call it Tomcat Juice. :rolleyes: Either way, it seems that the folks that insist on wearing perfumes are nose blind and can't detect just how MUCH they wear :sick so they use them too liberally. Ick.


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
That's why I make my own detergent. The FelsNaptha bars smell lightly while I'm making the soap but after the laundry comes out of the washer and dryer, they don't smell like the FN at all....they just smell like cloth.

I have a question for you @Beekissed: years ago, DH tried using FN, to spot treat clothes. He thought it did a great job & we had been told it was safe. He always did the wash (in the laundry room, with the door closed), because we had used scented laundry products before I learned about MCS. The toxic chemicals, in the fragrances are waxy & no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the stink out of the machines. :eek:

One day he forgot to close the laundry room door & I got really sick. I couldn't smell it, but DH said the smell of the FN was fairly strong. So, he got rid of it. Problem solved.

That's the invidious thing about MCS. :mad: I have become "nose blind", as you say, Beekissed. There are times I react & can't figure out why I'm reacting. I'll ask DH if he smells anything & he will say, "Oh yeah! A lady just walked into the room with really strong fragrance. I can't smell it. But, it sure does make me sick!

My question, for you Beekissed, is: You said the washed/dried clothes don't smell like FN, just clean cotton. :) Do you smell the FN when the clothes are washing & drying in the dryer? We have wanted to make that FN laundry detergent. But we're concerned it would make me sick.

You commented that, "it seems that the folks that insist on wearing perfumes are nose blind and can't detect just how MUCH they wear :sick So, they use them too liberally." Actually, you nailed it on the head. Research has shown that our smelling receptor sites become desensitized to strong odors over time. I think the personal care product companies capitalize on that - adding chemicals, to their fragrances, that are addictive (like the tobacco industry & Coke do), so people will buy more of their products.

Have you ever walked into a kitchen where the cook is using lots of garlic and gone, "OMG the smell just about knocked me over", and the cook says, "What garlic smell? I don't smell garlic."

@Nyboy, I'm curious. What shampoo do you use on Martha's dogs? I'm guessing unscented.
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Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I can smell it faintly when adding it to the wash, but can't smell it at all on the clothing as I remove them from the washer, nor as they are drying. I have a VERY sensitive nose and we use nothing much scented here(occasional bleach or ammonia), so even faint smells are easily detected by me....this nose of mine is often a blessing but more often a curse, if you know what I mean. :sick :gig

When you live somewhere that the air is clean and in a home where there are very little artificial scents used, when you are exposed to them it seems the smells are twice as strong. I can smell the FN fairly well as I'm cooking it down but after that it seems to dissipate into the mix and is absent in the laundry altogether.

I HATE walking down the aisle where the laundry supplies are stocked....almost makes me nauseous. :sick I can taste all that stuff in my mouth as I walk by.


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
I can smell it faintly when adding it to the wash, but can't smell it at all on the clothing as I remove them from the washer, nor as they are drying. I have a VERY sensitive nose and we use nothing much scented here(occasional bleach or ammonia), so even faint smells are easily detected by me....this nose of mine is often a blessing but more often a curse, if you know what I mean. :sick :gig

I might have DH buy a bar of FN & cook up a small batch of that detergent outside, on the BBQ grill, so we can try it. I know there are recipes out there. But, could I get yours Beekissed?


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
@Devonviolet that is really scary. I only seem to be sensitive to fragrances and begin to itch and have sinus and breathing issues if in prolong contact or STRONG dose. Scented hand sanitizers make me a cranky bus driver! I can not seem to get it across to some of the kids NOT to bring it on the bus and pass it around! SO I often drive with my window wide open and a winter coat. Let the darlings freeze. Maybe they will finally get the message. HA!
Can you share the recipe for your cleaner, please.
:lol: :yuckyuck :lol: Carol, you are so funny! :gig I can sure identify with the stinky hand sanitizer issue! UGH!

I make my own & keep it in my purse, in a 4oz plastic bottle. I use the same recipe for hand sanitizer & spray on Deodorant:

Organic Deodorant & Hand Sanitizer
1 cup Witch Hazel
1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel
20 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil
20 drops White Thyme Essential Oil
20 drops Peppermint Oil
1 teaspoon Tea Tree Oil
In a glass or stainless steel bowl, mix the above ingredients with a whisk, to totally incorporate.

For Deodorant : Pour into a 2 or 4 oz. spray bottle. Shake well before each use, then use 4-5 sprays under each arm.
For Hand Sanitizer: Fill unbreakable bottle to carry it with you.

Non-Toxic (Antibacterial) All Purpose Cleaner
Makes 1 gallon

1 quart 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
1-1/2 cups white Vinegar
3 Tbsp Liquid Dish Soap
2 Tbsp Tea Tree Oil
1 tsp Sage Essential Oil
1 tsp Rosemary Essential Oil
1/2 tsp White Thyme Essential Oil
1/2 tsp Oregano Essential Oil

NOTE: In addition to smelling great, all of the above essential oils have antibacterial qualities.

Add above ingredients to a plastic 1 gallon bottle (I use a used Vinegar bottle) & shake well.

Fill the bottle with filtered water. Fill spray bottles from this bottle. Shake well before each use, to thoroughly mix the essential oils into the liquids.

HINT: I HATE cleaning the toilet! Who doesn't? I have started keeping a spray bottle, with this cleaner by both of our toilets. We spray the bowl down (using stream, on the nozzle) & I don't have to clean the toilet nearly as often.

The toilet smells great, is non-toxic & is clean longer. WIN-WIN-WIN!!!
:weee :celebrate :weee