Southern Gardener
Deeply Rooted
yesterday. 5 quarts of salsa and 8 pints of pickled okra, one burned hand, one cut thumb - the fun we had - priceless! 
18 tomato plants have produced almost 300 tomatoes! We picked a five gallon bucket yesterday and there are still plenty more on the vines. The okra is a big success also.
Next time I will do the water bath outside on my propane burner. The house got so hot yesterday and the air ran for 7 hours straight - not to mention it was 97 degrees yesterday!

18 tomato plants have produced almost 300 tomatoes! We picked a five gallon bucket yesterday and there are still plenty more on the vines. The okra is a big success also.
Next time I will do the water bath outside on my propane burner. The house got so hot yesterday and the air ran for 7 hours straight - not to mention it was 97 degrees yesterday!