Chillin' In The Garden

My uncle says that they had a contract with someone who purchased all of them. Says we never ate them. I really can't imagine any of the three (my dad and two brothers) killing something to eat. That's just not their personalities. Must have just been a money maker at the time or something. I would like to try some now as an adult and see if I like it before diving into raising some.hoodat said:We ate it as kids and knew what we were eating but I was a farm boy and took eating animals you raised for granted. A common practice witjh kids who won't eat rabbit is to use fryers and let them think they are eating chicken. You may have eaten rabbit and not known it.
Yes, from Bass Equipment. Scroll down to 'Universal Sani-Nest' on http://bassequipment.com/Miscellaneous/Rabbit+Nesting+Equipment/default.aspx .hoodat said:Great nest box. did it come from a rabbit supply company?
And the verdict is... yes, they can get back in just fine over the tall sides.wsmoak said:I wonder... (have to go find my Storey book...) once they hop out of the nest, do they try to get back in? It's awfully tall... not sure they would be able to unless I drop the front wall and pull the straw out a bit.