Garden Master
going to be hot for the next few days still, but then a break for a few days and perhaps some rains. would be nice. 
Gosh, Steve, I don't even remember asking about a trimmer. Unless it was the flame thrower I was contemplating. Didn't buy one. I am using a battery trimmer. I like it quite a lot. It's small, light weight and self feeding. But I am still interested in a flame thrower. Just because, you know...it's cool.Absolutely beautiful weather here - at least for another day and with predictions of somewhat cloudy weekend but with warm temperatures (afternoons in the high 70's Fahrenheit). Warmer! Next week.
@ducks4you , I had the reciprocating saw out yesterday, cutting up some useless garden stakes for the garbage can. My power tools are all olde ... like me. Well, not that olde, although I have a tape measure of Dad's that has been around as long as I can remember.
Building a new crib for those stakes and using drills with dang near wrecked chucks. I don't like to change bits, I mean - I have sandpaper rolled inside one chuck to better hold the bit - hey, it works! If'n I had daily use for these things, I'd buy something new.
About 5 years ago, I decided my weedwhacker was on its last legs. Bought a new one but the other continued to serve. Loaned the new one to DD, which means that I never saw it again. You know, that is how it works with kids.
Finally FINALLY, the Troy Built weedwhacker quit but I'd used it an additional 5 years, + - !
I'm curious what @so lucky bought in the way of a trimmer after asking what our recommendations were. I said that I had bought several gas powered ones but really did a better job with the electric. I just bought another electric (wired). It's a relief not to have that heavy, smelly, noisy gas thing to carry around. It has taken me about 3 mowings to regain the habits of using the electric but yes - I'm doing it better.
Horribly muggy here, glad the garden is planted so there was no need to stay outside. I did venture out briefly, though, to thin some of the soybeans & mount the top & bottom supports for the last trellis. DW will tie that trellis when weather permits; another storm front will be passing through tonight, so we'll see how much rain it brings.
We got 3 min of rain today. Woohoo!!