Garden Master
more rain today. the weeds and bugs got a break, except i did get out early enough before it rained to pick off whatever tomato worms i could find.
I always thought southern Louisiana was always that warm or warmer ....98 F today, (37 C) Tied a record from 1951.
Interesting. We have been unseasonably cool. No complaining, even the humidity has been lower.Carol, we are real close to the Gulf or Mexico and Lake Pontchartrain is just north of here. All that water moderates our temperatures. It can get over 100 F but that's rare. Humidity is miserable so it can feel like a steam bath when you step outside. I keep my work clothes in a shed out back that I change into (behind closed doors and away from windows) if I'm going to be out doing much. I'll be soaking wet almost immediately.
The north shore of Lake Pontchartrain is typically 5 to 10 degrees F warmer in the summer and 5 to 10 degrees F cooler in winter. That's the effect of water moderating temperatures. You have what is called a continental climate, well away from any moderating effects of big bodies of water. Your extremes will be a lot more than mine.