Garden Addicted
It is still snowing here, but I do think it will be slowing down significantly overnight. It was a crazy storm! Really cold and windy, with white-out conditions. We have 15 -17".
I am so happy we did not lose power! I used the treadmill, had a hot shower, did some cooking, picked up the cello for the first time, and finally placed my seed order.
It will be challenging getting shoveled and plowed out of here in time for school tomorrow, but I would think we'll be going back. The city plows the school parking lot, and the city roads get priority, so that could be an issue if snow and wind go on into the wee hours, but I'm hoping to get back to work (despite thoroughly enjoying this day off!).
I am so happy we did not lose power! I used the treadmill, had a hot shower, did some cooking, picked up the cello for the first time, and finally placed my seed order.
It will be challenging getting shoveled and plowed out of here in time for school tomorrow, but I would think we'll be going back. The city plows the school parking lot, and the city roads get priority, so that could be an issue if snow and wind go on into the wee hours, but I'm hoping to get back to work (despite thoroughly enjoying this day off!).