Garden Master
I have battled weeds since we moved here. I have big, tall, strapping, healthy weeds that take off and grow taller than I am. Plus I have all their smaller cousins that take up space down below, then I was cursed with wild or burr cucumbers that are on a mission to take over the world. I have laid down cardboard, mulched with wood chips, hay, chopped, pulled, and given up when the temps hit 100+ degrees and I lose interest due to impending heat stroke. I turn the sheep in the garden in the fall and they eat it down to nubs-to no avail.
So I am going to try weed cloth. I have studied the pros and cons and decided to spread sheep and chicken compost, till it in, smooth out the soil and roll out weed barrier cloth. I will burn holes in it to put plants in the soil, to prevent raveling. I will not put mulch over it, mulch decomposes, turns to soil, soil catches weed seeds, they sprout, puncture the weed barrier with roots and turns it into a mangled mess. I'll roll it up in the fall and store over the winter. meanwhile, I'll spread out sheep and chicken compost again, sow clover and turn that under the soil the following spring a few weeks before planting.
That is my master plan. I know plans can go awry, so does anybody have any pointers? Anybody ever use weed barrier cloth? Love it or hate it and why? My garden is 100'x70' I won't cover all of it, probable 1/2 to 2/3 to see how it goes.
So I am going to try weed cloth. I have studied the pros and cons and decided to spread sheep and chicken compost, till it in, smooth out the soil and roll out weed barrier cloth. I will burn holes in it to put plants in the soil, to prevent raveling. I will not put mulch over it, mulch decomposes, turns to soil, soil catches weed seeds, they sprout, puncture the weed barrier with roots and turns it into a mangled mess. I'll roll it up in the fall and store over the winter. meanwhile, I'll spread out sheep and chicken compost again, sow clover and turn that under the soil the following spring a few weeks before planting.
That is my master plan. I know plans can go awry, so does anybody have any pointers? Anybody ever use weed barrier cloth? Love it or hate it and why? My garden is 100'x70' I won't cover all of it, probable 1/2 to 2/3 to see how it goes.