Give your dad a call and find out what the storm was like in his neighborhood.
I haven't seen hail like what fell here in about 20 years. Yes, there is some damage to the potted tomatoes in the backyard. We will see about the gardens today but I'm happy they weren't in my backyard last night.
I'll have to ask him. They're in a small valley north of Newport and don't get a lot of the storms and "weather" that people in more open areas get. But I'll be sure to ask! Hail up there isn't ever very BIG, is it?!
Daisy, some of it was far beyond the pea-size that the WS said was coming . . . of course, I didn't read that WS report until after the storm.
Twenty years ago, we had something similar. It splashed mud out of a flower bed beside the house 8 feet up onto the wall! That may have been the storm where I found the corn shredded in Post Falls and the fruit trees there had permanent scars on the upper surface of their branches. (I'll take the mud splashed on walls :/).
I'm sure that it isn't too much like Texas hailstorms can be but I was reminded of your video as the hail was coming down!
We had a hail storm yesterday??? We didn't get nuthin. Only a little drizzle last night at bedtime. When I was driving home yesterday evening it sure was dark in the west tho'. Isn't it weird how all the little microclimates work?
I can't even figure out which way the weather is moving this morning. Makes me nervous . . .
The radar map shows a storm just kind of piling up against the Blue Mountains but then, which way does it go - north, south . . . over?
The onions and terrain will likely take a pounding in Walla Walla Wa today! One airport is reporting better than 1/4in/hr rain & flash floods in Pendleton.
BTW - you can recognize a wetside Northwesterner from a dryside Northwesterner by his shirt. wetside wears plastic . . . dryside wears flannel or wool.