I had "not sure in pints?" in my freezer, so I brought one in and defrosted it. It was 11 pints of Salsa Party (October, 2021) chili. I had frozen it in a cardboard box with dividers (like what the pints come in,) so none had cracked. I brought them in last night and let them defrost. I was thinking, "Now, I remember!" I had hot water bathed them, then cooled and frozen them.
I now have them cooling from the pressure canner. I decided to replace ALL of the lids with new, just to be sure of a good seal. After pressure canning the jars stay hot for H O U R S!!!!!, so they are all cooling on a big wooden cutting board on my counter.
I NOW am babysitting my broth. This is my 3rd broth. The 2nd one cooked too long and was smelling burnt, so I tossed it. I started THIS broth Saturday morning, when I started cooking the meat off of a big package of chicken thighs, for the dogs. I aksed DD if she needed the 1/2 pint this week, and she asked that I transfer it to a plastic container and freeze it for later.
I bought three clearance fresh pork picnics, bone in from WM. They came down to $1.13 per lb. Finally got around to canning them, raw pack. I got eight quarts of meat and boy oh boy did the house smell nice.
Then the bones and some of the trim went into the crock pot for simmering for 23 hours. Bone broth. Think I'll make soup from it.
Yes!!!!! Yesterday at WM were lots of clearance packages of pork neck bones. I bought two of them at $3 ea. They've been simmering in the crock pot since noon yesterday. More gorgeous broth to be separated this afternoon, after I pick it all off. (oh and the meat is delish - had some for bfast!)
The bone broth from a few days ago is a pretty solid gelatin in the refrig. I'd like a good recipe for a soup to use it for.
Ah, man, MY WM didn't have them at that great price. DD told me to get pork shoulder at the small grocery store 10 min away, where we buy all of our meat, now.
I met a lady who raises Angus, and she promised me that I could buy 1/2 a steer in April. I need to keep in contact with her--she is on my phone list--so I don't miss out.
She told me in October, when I met her at Rural King, that she had 1/4 cow, at $1.20/pound, and that the purchaser sometimes changes his mind, and I could have it if he did. He didn't.
Still, DD's and I have, between us, one 15 cu ft freezer (my garage), and I keep a 7 cu ft on my porch, they keep a 7 cu ft in their garage, so 29 cu ft of freezer space available. If I clean out my big freezer there should be enough room.
I know that there are many here who get full cows and 1/2 cows, but if you have never bought one, the 15 cubic foot holds ONLY 1/2 a cow, and not much else, and most of it is hamburger, with a dash of steaks and many roasts. If I am able to buy in April, the meat should be good through the end of the year.
My aunt used to make very good, canned venison mincemeat.
Uncle Henry would always seem to bring in his two allowed bucks from his drives into the mountains. He had a little extra to pay attention to, driving a log truck during deer season. Successfully, I have to say.