Garden Master
@journey11, you'll have to tell me where you are getting those cheap tomatoes, PLEASE!!!Your garden sounds like mine, so we are buying more than ever this year....we need peppers and maters the most and I used to buy some over in OH, across from Ravenswood, WV, many yrs ago but now I can't remember where and how to get there. Does that sound close to where you buy?
Yes, I have bought them in the past from that first tomato farm you see on the right directly after you cross the Ravenswood bridge, but have found they are much cheaper if you bear left after you come off the bridge and continue on down 338 and then onto 124 towards Racine, OH. There are farms all along there. My dad has bought peppers (and begged me to make him a case of hot pepper butter. LOL) on Ohio Rt. 7 coming back southward from St. Marys, WV too, but I'm not sure the exact spot. Lots of farms along that way. I am going to Moundsville, WV here in about a week, so I will go Rt. 7 from Marietta to St. Marys and keep my eyes peeled on the way through. Now's the time to go too.