A lot of people do gardens, some do bouquets, some do greenhouses, some do everything! So this year, tell me whatcha planted! You can see my garden at the thread My Summer Garden!
Hmmmm…… due to the screwy weather we’ve had, I didn’t get the garden ready for planting until late. Then didn’t get things planted until late. I didn’t plant near what I normally do. Unless I have a banging fall garden, it looks like it will be a light year for me garden wise.
Black Cattle beans that aren’t Black Cattle beans. They are pretty multi colored beans. I planted them in the Painted Mountain corn. We’ll see what I get this time.
Painted Mountain corn. It’s starting to tassel and is growing well.
Tomatoes, 4 varieties. I was late starting seed, something about a freakish winter storm with -6 F temperatures! But I have blooms and a few green tomatoes out there.
Onions- harvested
Green beans, 3 varieties of purple podded green beans and 1 long bean variety
Yellow squash coming up
Zucchini coming up
Amish melon volunteers
Garlic-lost in weeds. Maybe I’ll find it
That’s all for now. Now it’s so hot, vegetables will grow up already deep fried.