Garden Master
You bet they do, Miss Daisy! I love to force amaryllis! Few things are as beautiful and cheerful! I don't have one this year- please post a a pic when it blooms!
I love forcing paper whites and hyacinth - I have bulbs chilling in the fridge right now for spring.SweetMissDaisy said:do amaryllis and paper whites in my kitchen window count?
Hoodat you might try just spraying the aphids with your hose...drown th suckers...or find some lady bug larve....hoodat said:I noticed yesterday that my purple sprouting broccoli and pak choy are breaking ground. Those darn gray aphids are starting to find my cabbage. I guess I'll have to break out the neem but I hate to lose my predators even though they don't seem to do a good job on the gray aphids.
Sounds beautiful!!!skeeter9 said:I planted about 30 new iris Sunday evening. Some day the huge bank behind our house will be smothered in blooms!!!