Deeply Rooted
Started my tomatoes cucumbers & squashes in the barn yesterday I have a hot mat set up with lights on shelving so The ones I started a while ago I repotted and they are on one shelf with out the extra heat... Plan on doing my peppers basil more swiss chard and want to do more lettuces today... bought 4 yards of loam yesterday am making a lasagna garden in the shade so I can move all the shade lovers that were under my mulberry that got knocked down in Oct snow storm...I started with the hay from the winter coop then leaves from the yard then compost and will be putting down some peat moss then the soil...the weather is perfect it is 44* and sunny it will warm up as the day comes on...I am also top dressing my 'rose' garden with compost... at my age I go slow and take a lot of breaks but I do just keep on 'trucking'...