What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Weeded the garden that is planted with my stirrup hoe. Weeds so little that it was like mopping the floor. Planted a row of potatoes, red and a few Yukon Gold. I took out the dead branches of the raspberries. Not sure what to think about them. Neighbors sprayed on the other side of the fence. A few dead brambles and the weeds dead on the fence. We have new neighbors now, so not sure if they will spray, but really tired of worrying about it. My first thought is to put this place up for sale, next is to move the raspberries next spring. I have to move the strawberries. The new fence is not going to work because they are not getting enough sun. I may have a garden in the front yard. Weeded the herb garden and planted some parsley seed, the thyme seedlings I started, cilantro, dill and arugula.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I've been amending my beds to the north of my garage. I've replaced the landscape timbers with cinder blocks to line the gravel walk from the driveway to the garage. I've been transplanting both the 5 geraniums that I overwintered--one is HUGE--and begonias and impatiens that were on clearance. One good day soaking in a bucket with a couple inches of water and these clearance plants have some life back.
I heard from Mid American Gardener that you need to add compost to your soil for about 5 years in a row to really amend it, and I believe it. It's taking a spade to dig, BUT, it's a lot easier that it was two years ago, the last time I amended here.
I transplanted 12 hybred beefsteak tomatoes, 4 each to the three 2 ft. plastic window boxes that I bought on super clearance last Fall. They get to rest and grow here, in front of the screens on the east facing porch until the end of the month, then they go into their beds. I intend to transplant the 12 peppers too, this way, or in other saved big, plastic pots to grow on the porch, too. It's in the 80's and humid, today. The grass is really taking off.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I did not do much. I weeded half the asparagus bed, which is really a mess. I see more weeds in the garden I missed. DS tilled some for me and I will be planting peas and beans tomorrow. I have the tomatoes and things out on the patio hardening them off and put the celery out on the patio for the first time.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I put weed killer and fertilizer on the grass we started last summer. That should have it thickening up and growing like a weed. . . no make that a healthy lawn.

I put my wagon for the new coop down near the disputed boundary. Neighbor shouted something I suspect I wouldn't have wanted to hear and called his attorney (instead of the Police like he did last year.) My attorney had assured me that their attorney had assured him the neighbors finally understood where the 15 feet of disputed land was.

Nope! They still don't 'cuz, while I did park near the disputed area I didn't park right up to or over the line (the land still legally belongs to us). His call to the attorney proves they still have no idea other than what is in their imagination.

Today son cleared a path from the gully up to the alfalfa where we once shared an entrance to the fields. . . . all on our side of the disputed 15 feet. I suspect another call went in to the attorney since the neighbor shouted something at our son that he wouldn't repeat.

Soon to be over and settled.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I planted some arugula in a pot the other day. Today, the whole garden is finally staked off where I know what I am going to do. I planted 42 tomatoes today. I have more. People are nuts. They ask me what am I going to do with them. Well, I am going to eat them! I planted Bloody Butcher, cherry tomatoes that are not marked and not sure what is what, Cherokee Purple, Delicious, Red Siberian, Brandywine, Moneymaker, and San Marzano.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
My west property line was not our fence. Our neighbor at the time told us we had more than a foot over on his side and he attached a small fence to ours for his dog. All was well, he was nice. He sold and moved. New owner came and put up a wood 6 ft fence. It is really on our land. DH told her. She went ahead and put it up, taking over a foot of our property, which we did not complain, but they sprayed some kind of weed killer, which killed some of the raspberries and the fence is killing the raspberries from the lack of sun and my strawberries, so now I have to move raspberries and strawberries and have several feet of land on my side that is not good for much. I am not sure I would even want compost that close to the fence. I guess I could put the compost on cement. Oh, and the ones that sprayed, sold and now there are new neighbors. I was thinking I could go take some of the boards down next to my strawberries and raspberries and they would have a fit and I could say it is my fence, go survey and find out, but that would be mean.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
My west property line was not our fence. Our neighbor at the time told us we had more than a foot over on his side and he attached a small fence to ours for his dog. All was well, he was nice. He sold and moved. New owner came and put up a wood 6 ft fence. It is really on our land. DH told her. She went ahead and put it up, taking over a foot of our property, which we did not complain, but they sprayed some kind of weed killer, which killed some of the raspberries and the fence is killing the raspberries from the lack of sun and my strawberries, so now I have to move raspberries and strawberries and have several feet of land on my side that is not good for much. I am not sure I would even want compost that close to the fence. I guess I could put the compost on cement. Oh, and the ones that sprayed, sold and now there are new neighbors. I was thinking I could go take some of the boards down next to my strawberries and raspberries and they would have a fit and I could say it is my fence, go survey and find out, but that would be mean.

Why would that be mean? It really is your property. Best to have it clear from the outset.
I know nobody wants to have the neighbors hating you, but if that space is important to you, then it should be used by you.