Garden Master
I'm not much of a salad person but baby beets cooked are a favorite vegetable. DW doesn't like how they "bleed" onto the plate so I've been exploring alternatives. I don't feel that I've really found it with white beets. They are just fine as a green but their roots need some refinement. I'd have to grow that chard I had side-by-side to note the difference between it and Perpetual Spinach! Fine by me to have lots of it in the garden
I had an Asian amaranth in the 2016 garden, also. Wow, what a difference in preferred growing conditions from its cousins! It would not grow after sprouting early in the season. Planted in summer heat, it was happy. First light frost - dead!
I see in UK seed catalogs that vegetable amaranth is listed as "Callaloo." That's what it is called in some parts of the US.
They also have Orach seed. Wonderful! Some call it "Mountain Spinach" and now I'm talking about something very closely related to true spinach. And, it does make a good salad green ... except, I've got the red and purple
Orach will be the first vegetable harvested from my annual garden. Before I even get out there to do anything with the soil, the volunteer orach will show up as tiny seedlings. I just have to move them around where I want them and leave one or two plants the entire season for more seed and volunteers in 2018! Talk about Easy Gardening ..!
I had an Asian amaranth in the 2016 garden, also. Wow, what a difference in preferred growing conditions from its cousins! It would not grow after sprouting early in the season. Planted in summer heat, it was happy. First light frost - dead!
I see in UK seed catalogs that vegetable amaranth is listed as "Callaloo." That's what it is called in some parts of the US.
They also have Orach seed. Wonderful! Some call it "Mountain Spinach" and now I'm talking about something very closely related to true spinach. And, it does make a good salad green ... except, I've got the red and purple
Orach will be the first vegetable harvested from my annual garden. Before I even get out there to do anything with the soil, the volunteer orach will show up as tiny seedlings. I just have to move them around where I want them and leave one or two plants the entire season for more seed and volunteers in 2018! Talk about Easy Gardening ..!