Yesterday we planted:
Summer squash
lemon cukes
pink-eye purple hull peas
contender green beans
kentucky wonder pole beans
cherokee purple tomatoes
better boy's
5 different kinds of peppers
still need to plant more tomatoes
We finally got the tractor ready so Saturday we got tha ground worked. Today I planted two 30ft rows each of peas and potatoes, and got my Wall-O-Waters all set up. I have never tried them before, does anyone have any experience with them?
Beautiful weekend led to many hours in the garden! Direct seeded, carrots, beets, lettuce, and onion sets. Started a bunch of others in the cold frames. Sure feels good to get gardening! Today we had a gentle rain, with warm temps.
Today, planted the bell pepper, tomato, cucumber and eggplant sendlings into the garden. Got some "mystery seed" seedings from a very nice gardener...through a very special and dear friend, that will be going out in just a bit. (there is a bit of excited anticipation, there).
The bush beans are growing pretty fast, now. The carrots (1st time planting....ever) are starting to show fern-like tops. Have had to cover the taters with hay four or five times, already, as they are growing so fast, you can almost see it happening. The collards, lettuce, onions, brocolli and spinach have all hit "spurts", too. Strawberries are loaded with tiny berries and blooms. The sugar snaps are blooming. The beets and swiss chard are coming along...just slower than the rest of the plants. All in's looking more and more like a allotment garden, that is.
DH finished tilling the garden today! Once again, it is bigger than it was the year before. Our corn did so well last year, we wanted to make it big enough that we could do succession planning & still have good pollination.
I'm going to go out & put down the paths, then put up my tomato fence. I know it's awfully early, but I think I'm going to plant out a couple of tomato plants today or tomorrow. I've got so many of them, if I lose a couple, it should be OK.