What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
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Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Hattie the Hen said:
Hi karenleaf :frow

Glad to hear your pineapple mint popped up. I have to take mine indoors in the winter. Do you mulch your rhubarb patch where you found it lurking ?
Yes Hattie it gets covered every fall with all of the leaves from the 2 large trees at that end of the yard. I also have Hollyhocks, Hibiscus, day lily, and Columbine there as well, And Garlic chive still coming through :barnie I weeded out a wheelbarrow full last spring, and they just keep coming back. :th
Well have a great gardening day to all :coolsun

:happy_flower Karan :D


Chillin' In The Garden
May 20, 2009
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i am thinking about planting some black turtle beans. if i can find out some information about them.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
Oh, I so wish some of you lived near me... I really could use a hand today. :(

I hurt so bad (sunburn and I slept wrong according to the pain in my shoulder).

I really need to pull my sugar snap peas, mulch my tomatoes and plant some more cucumbers and honey dew melon.

They are calling for storms or rain showers speratically throughout the week. I'd like all this done. I had to stain yesterday so I knew for sure it could 'cure' before the rain came. I was suckered!!!!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
I don't know how, but I managed to go out and mulch my tomatoes finally, and my corn just for the heck of it.... also planted 3 more cucumber seeds... and planted 3 more cantelope seeds before it started down pouring!

If it lets up this evening I have 2 honeydew seeds left I will TRY to get in the ground and call it down with planting until August!!!!!!



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Are hot peppers and sweet onions good companions? They are the last of the very small Super Chili plants and some of the sweet onions are having trouble making a good start this year - there just seemed to be enuf room . . . And, there was the last 4 bell pepper plants but they were granted the end of the bed so won't have to live surrounded by onions.

. . . and, four little hills of pole beans to be joined together by a teepee. I hope I've placed them in a good location where the teepee is far enuf from the sprinklers so as not to interfere with anything else getting some water.

Last year I forgot to plant them and nearly forgot again this year. It's get the bush beans in long straight rows and then figure out where to put something that requires a trellis all season. They are kind of a special heirloom, tho' - robust vines with purple striped pods and a real good flavor.

The pole beans really should have gone in the big veggie garden where the field sprinklers just knock them over if they are in the way . . . kidding. Having pole beans in what amounts to a "salad garden" makes them seem out of place. Kind of the awkward country cousin at the little misses' tea party, as it is.


Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
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UK.-- Near Oxford
Having pole beans in what amounts to a "salad garden" makes them seem out of place. Kind of the awkward country cousin at the little misses' tea party, as it is.
digitS' said

[ed. I'm obviously doing this wrong. how do you get the quote in the box. If I can't do this how the h..l does anyone think I shall be able to get photos on here when my camera is fixed...........................HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

:frow Steve :frow

Your turn of phrase just creases me up! :lol: :gig :lol: :gig
It made my early morning!

Well it looks as if I might get some serious gardening done today -- It is NOT RAINING :ya FOR THE FIRST MORNING FOR ABOUT A WEEK.......!!! That will teach me for asking for it. Thank goodness I have free-draining soil; otherwise my garden would be floating down the river nearby. I'm lucky as I live on a hill -- I saw to that when I was house hunting...!!
I still have a lot of plants to get out in the raised beds, melons, tomatoes , squash etc.

I did use the wet period to my advantage (I HOPE). :bow :fl
I sowed lots of root veggies because I thought I would get better germination -- carrots, turips, parsnips, & salsify. This raised bed has had THE TREATMENT; I have hand-picked each blasted stone & root out of it. It took me ages to do it & I hope they realise how lucky they are. I've planted three different varieties of carrot (including a rainbow
collection for fun). I've put scallion in between each one I shall keep hooped covers over the entire bed because of carrot-fly & flee-beatle, both of which we get badly here. I also did my best to sow as thinly as possible. This bed also benefits from dappled shade in the hottest part of the day from a far away silver Birch tree in my woodland garden.

I am over the moon with my Peas & Broad Beans, & my Runner Beans are just coming into flower having shot up their teepee. I transplanted some Yard-long beans yesterday. I am try the latter for the first time so I haven't planted a huge number in case I don't like them. Also there's a limit to what I can eat........Except for peas...........I can easily eat those just standing in the garden, MUNCHING AWAY with a beatific smile on my face. I'm going to sow more peas today-- This time "Carouby de Marsanne", a French variety which I love & which stand up to hot weather rather well (if we get some)! :plbb

Right, I'm off out into the dirt again! :celebrate


:rose Hattie :rose


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I love reading on this board but it becomes so distracting I have to move my butt to the garden and start today!

I am going to start my adventure in cardoons and move my seedlings to a controled area (right now they are all in bunches from the fallen flower heads from last year sprouting away!)

plant my last round of escarole starts

plant another round of carrots

go buy some chard seeds and find something big beautiful and edible to put in the giant void yanking my rosemary out left (it was on its last leg and I have a LOT of rosemary so this was sad but needed to be done ..it was freaking HUGE and half dead from the snow that broke all the branches this year)

Friday Sat Sun big gardening days for me this week today just a few things to do

have a great day everyone

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
:D Hi there :frow

I've just sown a whole lot of seeds of veg to transplant into my raised beds in late summer or fall. Various cabbage varieties, more leeks (Because I'm aiming to have them growing throughout the year -- I use a lot), chard, various kales).

The double-sized raised bed that I sowed with various root veg last weekend is already coming up (in nice straight neat rows I.m glad to say). We have had such wet & cool weather that I hoped they would come through fast. They are in dappled shade at mid-day till about 3-30pm. I shall have to water it a lot if the summer is dry.........!? :hu

My tomatoes are just beginning to flower -- I am so excited ! :ya Peas are all flowering or fattening up. I've been using some as mange-tout. The broad beans I've been eating raw but the bigger ones I'm going to pick this weekend. The runner beans are in flower --JUST -- on their teepee. I've got a large bowl of crunchy salad leaves ready to start picking. Oh! LIFE IS GOOD............................!! :rainbow-sun

I hope your garden is doing as well & that you have a lovely & productive weekend. :happy_flower

I'm just about to take a drink out to the garden to sit & watch my 5 two-week old chicks with their Mama "Julia"!! CHEERS!! :coolsun

:rose Hattie :rose

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