Carol Dee
Garden Master
Hello Richard a.k.a. @valley ranch Welcome to TEG. So glad you jumped right in. Hope you have a very Happy Holiday Season.
A few days before Xmas my mother would make cookies that had to be cut out.She had a large collection of cookie cuters. After they where baked my sibling and i would frost them what family memories !
I like the broccoli and cheese ones.It is just the two of us here and we are not big into celebrating Christmas, but we are big into cookies! Every year I make a huge batch. Some go in the freezer, some go to friends or co-workers. With the frosted cookies, I do use a cookie cutter for some of the shapes, but I also like to use the negative shapes to come up with different creations. If you look carefully at the photo, you will see moldy Swiss cheese, broccoli spears, some odd birds and chickens, and other creatures.
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That screaming monkey is hilarious! I gave one to my grandson last year... after shooting it down the isles at the store... I should have bought one for my son (34) also, it would have been his favorite gift! I hope they are as amused as I was @thistlebloom !I liked my moms tradition of hiding our gifts and hunting for the clues.
I didn't do it every year with my kids, but they had fun the times I did.
I'm thinking it's not too late to keep it up, I'm sure they'd indulge me if they pulled a clue out of their stocking....
That's one I've kept going, I still hang stockings for everyone, and the guys all get some goofy toy in theirs. This year it's a stuffed catapult monkey that screams when it's launched. It's wearing a mask and a cape....I may be the only one Christmas morning that thinks it's funny.