What Are Your Plans For Your Garden This Spring

simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Weymouth, Massachusetts
I am sure I am not the only one who has been busy planning next years garden and landscaping projects, since we can't be out working in the yard while its under snow we can at least talk about it and share our plans.
I ordered 17 trees this year, 5 already came and are in the ground the rest ship in the spring.
We are going to get the original well to the house working again.
Its dug and in good shape but we need to put it in working order since its the old type that you use to use a well bucket to get water.
The plan is to get the well working and a new cap built.
I have all my seed orders set and have a stock of seeds here ready to go as well.
My goal is to finish the perennial garden on the side of the house.
I would love a new fence so we will see how that goes, I may just do one side at a time.
What do you have planned for this upcoming year?


Deeply Rooted
Aug 24, 2008
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Slidell, LA
I am currently getting estimates for some yard landscaping done. I have a few trees which are too close to the house for hurricant comfort. I also have some serious drainage problems in the backyard so I am having a ?sump pump? put in to drain the massive lake natalie! I was going to wait for the trees till I got some more money but since we need the have the pump installed and the yard graded anyway.... I guess I should do it now.

My DH wants to wait but we just got like 6 inches overnight and the water just sitts in yard for like days and days and days. I live in an older subdivision and there is a lot of subsidence. In fact most of the neigbors have drainage problems where the back yard is lower or at the same depth to the front. The guy just measured mine and there is a total of 2 inches difference with no possiblity of adding more dirt because the soil is to high on the slab. I just don't want to flood should we get a good tropical storm!


Deeply Rooted
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
My plan for my garden this spring is to win the lottery so that I have enough money for all the arbors, sheds, pots, rare plants, greenhouses, trees, shrubs, pathways, fences, benches, gates, coops, perennials, hand tools, tiller, etc etc etc that I will need to accomplish the mental image I have of these 2 &1/2 acres.


Attractive To Bees
Aug 24, 2009
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Amarillo, TX
Winning the lottery sounds good to me too. Then I could hire someone to do all the digging!

My plans for spring...
Have a plan for the veggie garden and add a lot of different stuff. I started way late this year (after the garden at my mom's expired dramatically) and was stuck with whatever was left at the nursery. Squash did well, though. :p

I also have some vague plans for a perennial garden, which is where the digging comes in. I've got some seeds ready to start and I'm watching the sticks (roses and buddelias) that I planted earlier this fall for signs of miraculous and exuberant growth...patience is not just for grasshoppers. :D

I'm getting ready to order seeds, but really need to cut the list down. Otherwise, it won't be a garden, but a full scale truck farm!


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
nittygrittydirtdigger said:
My plan for my garden this spring is to win the lottery so that I have enough money for all the arbors, sheds, pots, rare plants, greenhouses, trees, shrubs, pathways, fences, benches, gates, coops, perennials, hand tools, tiller, etc etc etc that I will need to accomplish the mental image I have of these 2 &1/2 acres.
I hear ya! :woot

So these are kind of like a new year's garden resolution!

Well, first off, I'm gonna move my strawberry patch off the terraced area I had it on this year (overcome by quackgrass) and put it on a quadrant of my 2,500 sq ft garden that I have been diligently working on to prepare good soil and be free of weeds. Then I'll have to fence it to keep the chickens out.

I went ahead this fall and planted two climbing vines my MIL gave me (no idea what they are, maybe I'll post a pic when they get going), in hopes that it will force my husband to finally build me the arbor I've been asking for.

I am going to start doing some actual landscaping to the front of the house that I had put off in favor of things that were more expedient, like food crops! And I also have a weedy, poorly performing flowerbed out back that I am planning on taking out, redistributing the plants and planting grass there instead.

On my wish list is a 5 tree peach deal that Stark Bros has. If I could have ordered by the end of Nov, I could have gotten 20% off, but it's still a good deal, so if I get a little Christmas cash I'll probably put it toward that! I think that's one of the best things you can do as a new homeowner is get your trees in quick--since they take so long to grow and produce, you get to enjoy them sooner!

Also got plans to buy my own Troy-built tiller, since I've worn out my Dad's good humor by constantly borrowing his. DH is tired of lugging it back and forth from the farm anyway... :rolleyes: I love my Dad's tiller, but it actually has too much horsepower for me. I can't hold on to it!

Good topic, simple life! There is nothing like daydreaming of next Spring's to-do's to get you through the long, cold, winter days. :tools I could sit and dog-ear seed catalogs all day!


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
I have just ordered a kit to have my soil tested. I have terrible soil, very sandy. I have added compost to it in the past but my veggies still do not do as well. After I have it tested, I plan to plant a cover crop and have the soil amended. My neighbor did this to his and his stuff was 5 times the size of mine!

Here in the S.F. area, our winters are very mild. I'm still raking leaves and need to plant my tulip bulbs ASAP! My weekends have been full and I just haven't gotten around to it.

I don't do well with seeds so I buy 4 inch plants. Since my garden is very small I don't need that many. I plan to plant 2 tee pees of green beans, 2 yellow squash, 2 bell peppers, 1 jalapeno, sugar snap peas, and 6 tomatoe plants. I would love to plant strawberries but either birds or other animals always eat them.

This year we planted big pumpkins for Halloween and the kids really liked them. I will try to find a spot for them next year but they do take up alot of space.

Isn't it nice to dream?!:)


Garden Addicted
Jul 17, 2008
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Zone 6A - Southeast Indiana
I would like to win the lottery so I could quit my job & spend all day in the garden! :cool:

After 4 years, I think I have my perennial beds the way I like them, and I think that the veggie garden is not going to expand this year. It's gotten to the point where we can grow everything we want, and it was at the upper end of manageable.

DH is going to create a separate area with a good fence for the berries, so those will move again. I am holding off on ordering seeds until after the 1st so that it gives me something to do in those cold, grey days after Christmas. I saved some tomato and melon seeds, so I'm curious to see if those will grow. Once again, I am going to grow fewer plants of more varieties.

I'm looking forward to sneaking a few spears of the asparagus I planted this past spring, and hoping for a better harvest of strawberries.

I also will be constructing some type of fence to hide the oil tank on the side of the house. I'm thinking a nice white fence will be a beautiful backdrop for some hollyhocks!

So nice to think about spring! It's 15 degrees outside!!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
WINTER, 2010 Planting/Growing Plans for ducks
--Keep ALL flowers rescued from the cold and growing at my windows, ALIVE!!! (this includes the 2 blackberry bushes that I brought inside because I never got around to cutting down the 2 evergreens, so I never got around to planting them in 2009! I'M gonna blame the weather!!! :rant )
--Grow/separate the "stepables" that didn't get planted in my walk. What ARE those plants, anyway....?
--Mow down burrs growing in the north pasture that we couldn't mow earlier because of the ruts from the fencing put in in February, 2008. ---DONE!!!! By DH!!!! :ya
--Clean in front of middle south window in the basement. Move dehumidifier inward, move bookcase to the window, move aloe and 2 christmas cacti to that window, to make room upstairs for something that needs more water and window space.
--Assemble 4 shelf, shelving unit. Set up grow lights. Start indoor lettuce, salad onions, rosemary, and basil for winter use and later spring planting.
--Cut down weed trees along the fenceline--ALL WINTER OUTSIDE JOB. (Use this to springboard diet.) Store the straightest saplings for vegetable staking next year.
Take a break! I'm gonna need to, to clean the house!! :th If I get these jobs done, THEN I can plan the garden!!!! :D

simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Weymouth, Massachusetts
Okay guys I just played the lottery so if I win tonight I may have to add on to my landscaping plans.
I could get the whole fence done at once instead of one side at a time.
I could also finish the driveway.
See, I know how to live it up!:lol: