What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
OMGOSH!!! First, reMEMber that I own two push mowers, one of which has this powerful Honda moter and that one also has a bag, too And it mulches.
Ok, started Saturday reclaiming my fire pit which had weeds growing in between the cement pavers and around it, moved all of the big logs out, then laid down two old, plastic tablecloths and then put all of the logs back on top, Then tilled the mowed area beyond the firepit (approx. 4 x 12'), then sawed down the burdock growing underneath the south fence of the horse's training area, mowed my mint patch (which filled my big wheebarrow 2/3 of the way), weeded AND HARVESTED SOME in my potato patch (which we ate as fried potatoes for breakfast this morning), mulched the potatoes with the mint and partially fenced them in, watered heavily, cleared out the weeds to the south of the potatoes, watered and covered with plastic, mowed down the burdock (which filled my big wheelbarrow) which hadn't gone to seed yet and used the mulch for my garden area around most of one of the pepper patches, AND harvested small carrots for sunday dinner. WHEW!!! :th Sore!!!! :(..but happy!!:ya
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Got up early this morning and sawed down a 65 ft fenceline of 3-4 ft. tall burdock. They LOOOOVVVVEEEE to grow right under a fenceline.
FORtunately, most of them have not gone to seed, yet, but I did find one that was covered with burrs this weekend. I put it on top of the fire that I had so that I could burn it up. Sounds weird but I REALLY want to mow down and mulch some more of it for my garden!! With no burrs there are no SEEDS to sprout in my beds like you would have using grass clippings. I put all of the mulched weeds with seeds in my burn pile.
I'm gonna try to saw more down tomorrow morning for another hour. I can keep track of the time with the radio in my barn.
Just by mowing in my north pasture last year I eliminated a lot of burrs there.
Another reason why the mulch is good is bc the horses have pooed in these spots for years so I am also adding some fertilizer.
Making "lemonade" out of sour lemons. :rolleyes:

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I ripped up the melons, the squash and the pumpkins. I left behind a few volunteer squash that look healthy enough. All had been damaged by squash borers and were just havens for squash bugs to lay eggs upon.

I am going to pull up some cabbage that's damaged. I already got rid of my slug damaged lettuce. Sorry you had to pull all your melons up.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I have been tying up tomato plants on the fence and weeding. I pulled up a garlic bulb and I think it is ready, so will pull the rest in a day or so. Actually had a banana pepper and a Cubanella pepper, small, but I ate them and about a cup of raspberries and a few strawberries. Pole beans are up, peppers are looking better, most of the potatoes look good, some of the cabbage looks good. The cucumbers, squash and tomatoes look really good. I have kale and collards I need to cut and freeze. My comfrey got so tall it fell over and I have not had time to cut it and get it in the compost bin yet. The front yard and herb garden I am not watering that much, just too much to do. The asparagus is coming up that I just planted.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
If I had burdock that bad, I'd resort to chemical war fare.
SOUNDS easy, but you have to hunt the directions to find out how to mix the chemical--they assume you have done this before--and then I spent $55 on a sprayer that won't work unless I carry it tipped at a 45 degree angle, which is cumbersome and wears you out. The sprayers can be a pain in the butt like a string trimmer. THEN, you can't spray on a really windy day, THEN, you should not spray the day before a rain. NOT as easy as it seems. :somad
THEN, you have to kick the horses off of that area for a good week and it's a good idea to cover with stall leavings. I don't have a tractor, so I have to shovel all of that that I wish to dump. Still, I am making progress and mowing is therapy for me.

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