What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
It's still a bit cold here, but at least the rain has finally slacked off. So good to see the sunshine!

Today I sprayed the fruit trees and blueberries with dormant oil (first time I ever got that done on time!) Laid down cardboard and mulched the roses. Fertilized them with rabbit poo and Rose Tone first. And I limed the garden. It's all cleared off and ready to go.

I got my flats filled with soil and soaked, but I haven't planted them yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Fertilized and laid down cardboard and mulched the blueberries very deeply last week. I am really trying to stay ahead of the weeds this year.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I worked in a few flower beds today! This is exciting because I have been unusually sick (for me) for a week. Listlessly laying about indoors hacking up lungs.
But not today!!!:weeeNo, today the sun shone!! Today I worked in the sun and broke a sweat that was not a fever! :weee

I got all my smokebush coppiced, the beds raked clear of debris, the debris hauled and dumped in the yard compost, and several Japanese anemone that had reached epic size and were easy finally to get to, dug out and transplanted.
I overdid it, but I'm happy about that little bit of accomplishment. Yay me! haha

I worked outside cleaning rabbit hutch. Stay well. I am almost scared to go to church, so many sick people around and heard now hand, foot, and mouth going around in little kids.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits any news on your health? Improvements?


I went to the regular doctor and he just looked at me like I was nuts planning on coming off the blood thinner. He agreed to do the blood work. He did not say come back in a few months and did not call today to say anything about the results. I saw them online. Really not very elevated and a couple i am not sure are even accurate because the hematologist had me go off the blood thinner a couple of days before the test or it will mess it up, which this doctor did not do. I just want the numbers so in 3 months I can compare. I am going to the naturopathic doctor tomorrow. I will know about Thursday what he thinks. I talked to him briefly and I think there are a lot of reasons for my blood to clot. Even the regular doctor said stress can make your blood clot. I think inflammation can too. I feel better. No shortness of breath, just worried about how to get off this medication and not have this happen again. Thank you for asking!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Yesterday, I got another big wheelbarrow full of burdock and burned that one and the previous one. I raked in the area and picked up a lot of burrs and dead debris. I reckon 3 more wheelbarrows full and the south pasture is clear of burdock. THEN, I have to rake up all of the pine needles under the trees (to pick up bagworms that have fallen.) THEN...I have to pick up all of the pine limbs that I have cut. Burning Really cleans up this kind of Spring cleaning.
I guess that I should take a picture of what this looks like. I dump it upside down on my burn spot and push the wheelbarrow down on it. It kinda looks like a scoop of burdock ice cream.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Can you switch to another doctor but still see the homeophathic at the same time?


Probably, but they are all the same. If you have pulmonary embolism or DVT twice, you are a lifer on anticoagulation. I hope he will do the blood work in 3 months and I see it for myself and take myself off. He will not. He does not think I will exercise or lose weight. The naturopathic doctor, very strange tests and things, but I have been to this kind of doctor before. About 30 years ago, I was going to one and feeling better. I went for a followup and he asked if I had any complaints. I said a pain in my back, which I had for over a year. I would push on it and try to sleep with my hand in a fist, pushing on my back. My mother would try to rub the spot for me. The doctor felt and said my spleen was spongy. Not sure if I posted this before, but anyway, he looked in a book for about 15 minutes, had me lay fast down on this table, and put 2 of his fingers on my head. Did not move, do anything, just sat with his fingers on my head. About 10 minutes later was done. Pain went away and never came back. What it all means, who knows. I trust this more than some doctor who only has a pill, and that pill will cause a symptom and he will have a pill for that too. I am too young for that nonsense.

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