Deeply Rooted
We met here first, @flowerbug, was wonderful to get to meet in person! There are 5 or 6 of us in these here parts...
Nah...those wood chips have been on there 4 yrs now and I've never seen that many worms in there. Add hay, LOTS of worms. The other day I went to scatter rotten bales that had sat all winter out in the weather in the garden where the chickens had scratched up the hay, causing little bits of grass to grow. In between each flake of hay were numerous large earthworms....hay is good eats for worms, apparently.
Not only are there more worms, but they are much, much larger and well fed looking than those found in the chips.
This lady did a little experiment with both and then counted the worms per shovel full...
We have 2/3 of the garden planted now most of the transplants are doing fairly good in the heat of the last couple days. They kinda get witty in the afternoon heat but perk up when it cools off. Most of the garden space this year is brand new first year growing, so I hope it does ok. We have 33 tomatoes, 3 rows of potatoes, 3 kinds of beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sunflowers,and some other things I cannot remember at the moment lol. My back is 80% better but I smashed my foot with a log at work yesterday it rolled off another log while I was bucking it up. Foot is a little black and blue but the swelling is down quite a bit so I thankful for that. When log fell I tossed the saw away so I wouldn’t cut myself with it. The log was so heavy I could not budge it at all it was super painful and I was working on job alone. I called boss to come help but he was 40 mins away. After about 10 mins of struggling trying to pull foot out I stretched out far as I could and reached the saw and cut log off of foot. The owner still has not hired any laborers and first my back now my foot. The worst part is being on these sketchy mountain side job sites alone all the time sheesh.
I missed this, just as I missed @Nyboy's compliment on my marksmanship@digitS', I wonder what it is eating the silks off of the ears. I always thought it was earwigs but maybe it another bug. Do you do anything to keep pests off your corn?
spent the morning with @thistlebloom, sent her away with a full truck load of flowers
(Really helped clean out the bed that has to be moved! Hope she comes back soon...hint,hint!!)
I have been pulling weeds and turning dirt in the garden where I had put rabbit manure last fall. Some of the areas had woodshavings that were soaked in rabbit urine. I have noticed that the areas where the woodshavings were, the dandelions are huge and there are a ton of worms. I am not going to do it again like that. I had to rake stuff up because it did not breakdown. Usually it goes in the compost bin and breaks down in a year, but only because so much urine.