Garden Master
Weeded second planting of green beans. Had to replant okra for 3rd time-thanks to moles..
Vicious circle. Mulch with straw & leaves, worms thrive, moles come....
Every rain brings a new flush of grasses. Can’t stay ahead.....
got rocks? got cardboard? smother it before it goes to seed. then you only have to weed what is left uncovered. pick a new area each season to smother if you can't do it all at once. mulch over the cardboard is just to make it look nicer and eventually it all breaks down. from then on either repeat as some weeds will try to return and the cardboard breaks down, but after several years it should be much better.
certain kinds of grasses you may want to dig up to remove as much of the root system as possible. tilling just chops things up and mixes seeds around. i do some digging here by hand to remove weeds/grasses and it is tedious work, but at least i'm not chopping things into so many pieces. if you can till and rake through an area to get the roots out that you can that will help some, but then you want to cover an area right away.
the other approach in weed suppression is cover cropping, buckwheat is really good for that, and in the fall after your garden is done and you till it then you can plant winter wheat or winter rye (the grains) with plans to turn them under the next spring about four weeks before planting. there are other cover crops (cow peas, soybeans, turnips, radishes, etc.). a growing plant you want is one less weed you don't.
moles won't bother plant roots and should not kill a plant even if it is disturbed as they don't like their tunnels open to the air any more than a plant likes roots exposed. if you gently step on the plant to firm it back down and water it the plant shouldn't die from a mole run. voles are a different story...
if you have really sandy soil that dries out easily that can be a problem, but then likely not too many worms/moles... so, hmm...